Our weekly newsletter out every Monday featuring key highlights that you might have missed.
This week was half term for Max and Gabriel. Stella spent a few days in the country for some quality family time:
Earlier in the week, Stella attended Re:publica 24 in
Watch Stella’s interview at Re:publica on the latest in the case (in German):

Stella was interviewed by David Goebmann for the Telepolis podcast. Listen below:
We are continuing to upload all our Mayday livestream clips on our playlist. Check out a few highlights here:
Every week we post Julian’s speeches and interviews on Youtube.com/@StellaAssange.
Other Ongoing Priority Actions:
AUSTRALIA: Sign up for the Meet your MP Program here.
USA: Call your Representative and urge them to sign onto H.Res 934!
This remains a priority action for US residents to help Free Julian. For phone script and more information click here.
Thank you as always for your tireless activism and continued support!
Free Assange. Free us All.