I'm so happy that Julian is free to be with his wonderful family! I have never seen you smile so much, and Gabriel's reaction was very heartwarming too. Much gratitude to your incredible husband who sacrificed everything for truth and justice.

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Just watching is so moving. I have no words, only tears. Well done all Julian's family .. I honestly didn't think this would ever happen.

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It’s such a joy to see their joy and to celebrate victory over all illusions that seek to bind another when no one of any of us, has that right!

Man’s inhumanity to Man must be outlawed as prisons do not work, threats and intimidation do not work, bullying and oppression does not work. But what always works is that spark of love within each of us that connects us to one another - that song of our heart that we come to learn and know about through transcending adversity, the power of our own voice and above all, the power we have to CHOOSE LOVE, the great Equaliser, and through that to find Forgiveness as an effect of true seeing and seeing what’s True - Vision, our inner seeing, overcoming and indeed, eclipsing, all challenges, trials and tribulations, that’s our rising star of the sacredness of all Life, resting in our Divine Birthright. And so it is.🌈

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