Still feels like a miracle to imagine Julian with the sun on his face and sand in his toes and beautiful family in his arms.. an incredible moment of joy for legions around the globe!! #AssangeFree <3

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Jun 25·edited Jun 26

Free Julian Assange

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Elizabeth jean Watson

26th June 2024

God bless you Julian, you're the greatest most honest and courageous journalist the world has ever known. We need you, I prayed after watching the excellent video compiled on you recently, it moved me to tears... I lived in Iraq, so I know the pain of watching the innocent being obliterated - whether by guns or drones or corrupt courts or stress, it matters not - Man's inhumanity to man is a projection that will continue to out-picture in the world until we learn what Love is, and our inter-connectedness. There is no separation between any of us, Truth must prevail and be allowed to stand, we can't have loveless Truth or untruthful love, can we ? May you go from strength to strength - let your light shine on, crazy diamond ! I'm so happy my prayers were answered for your release... its all consciousness and energy, frequency of Love which is an irresistible force DEO VOLENTE, Liz Watson in Dorset ,England

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